mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Rid Weight and Excess Fat Fast - How Fast Can You Rid Weight and Excess Fat?

Expert Author Christine Mazza
There is so much confusing information out there on how to lose weight and what the biggest hype is at the moment. There are hundreds of different diets and exercise programs to follow, but what's best for your body? I am here to present something different to you. Something that will help your body perform at its best in order to lose weight and excess fat.
If you are anything like me, you feel '
stuck'. You may or may not have tried different diets and different exercise programs claiming to give you the best body. But life happens and you are back at square one. I completely understand.
Not all things are very easy to follow. And if you have a family, it is even harder to follow a specific plan. There is no band-aid effect; meaning you can't live an unhealthy lifestyle and gain results. There are things to be mindful of, but in the grand theme of things, you should be incorporating these things in your life most of the time.
Things to be mindful of include:
• Eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
• Cook often and keep practicing to cook new ingredients to incorporate that fuel your body
• Plan your meals and snacks weekly
• Shop the perimeter of the food stores more and limit the center aisles that have processed, artificial, and chemicalized foods. These types of foods are not recognized by your body and form toxins in your body
• Exercise 4-5x a week with an elevated heart rate so you burn fat and calories
• Avoid excess sugar, it just turns to fat. Read labels, hidden sugar is in most foods that are not created in nature.
• Drink more water, aim for half your body weight in ounces per day to flush toxins out of your system.
When your goal is to rid weight and excess fat fast, instead of looking at any of the obstacles you will face, you have to fixate on the finish line. Fix your gaze on where you want to end up. When you provide your body with exactly what it needs, you will move faster to that finish line.
Your body will gain results when it is exactly where it needs to be to rid excess fat. Your body needs to be balanced and alkalized in order to get those results fast. This will make you feel energized and healthy. And best of all, your excess fat will melt away in no time.
Christine Mazza is a Certified Health Professional. Her mission is to assist you in your health and wellness goals in order for you to look and feel your best. She transforms lives and bodies one individual at a time and looks forward to working with you.

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