mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Simple and Natural Tricks to Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Expert Author Elisha R Frangello
If you are searching for simple and natural ways to lose weight you are not alone. It seems everywhere you look there is new and conflicting information on how to lose weight in a healthy way. A few simple tricks can promote a healthier lifestyle, satisfy your hunger, and help you reach your goal weight.

Whole Grains and Fruit for Breakfast
We all know that eating breakfast is important. It helps you function better throughout the day, and promotes a healthy weight. However, not all breakfast foods are equal. Natural 100% whole grains are heart healthy as well as filling. Cereal, whole-wheat toast, and oatmeal are simple ways you can increase your intake. When you combine these with fruit, you get healthy vitamins and nutrients your body needs, and you satisfy your hunger longer.
Lean Proteins
Adding lean protein such as fish, skin- less chicken, or eggs to your diet can also help you stay full longer and lose weight. Lean protein is beneficial because it is harder to digest than other proteins. This means it stays in your stomach longer and suppresses your appetite. It also helps you burn more calories as your body has to work harder to processes it. Try adding chicken or salmon to a leafy green salad for lunch, or a hardboiled egg. You will get an extra serving of nutrient rich veggies while satisfying your hunger.
Drink More Water
You probably get weary of hearing how important it is to drink plenty of water, but the proof is there. Increasing your water intake can help you lose weight, improve brain function, and keep you from over indulging. It works because our brain often mistakes hunger pains for thirst. Which means sometimes when we feel hungry our body is actually letting us know we are dehydrated. Water is also heavy, which makes it a natural way to feel fuller. The best news is you do not have to rely solely on drinking water to up your intake. Snacking on low-calorie foods such as cucumbers, cherries, and watermelon can help. These types of foods consist mostly of water and can help you stay hydrated.
Go Nuts
While it may seem counterproductive when you are trying to lose weight because nuts are high in calories, it can actually help you eat less. Almonds, plain peanuts, and walnuts are your best options. All three are lower in calories than other types of nuts, and offer fiber, protein, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that people who include nuts in their diet tend to weigh less than people who never indulge. Try a handful between meals for a snack that is healthy and satisfying.
Soak up some Sun
No, it is definitely not a joke. Recent studies suggest that people who spend 20 minutes a day soaking up natural sun light tend to weigh less. Vitamin D, which comes naturally from the sun, helps elevate your mood, curb appetite, and is vital for calcium absorption, which is also linked to weight loss. Just remember the sun block to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Making healthy changes to your lifestyle does not need to be difficult, and it means all the difference when you are trying to lose weight. Incorporating simple and natural tricks into your daily life can help you control your appetite and reach your goals.

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