mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Going Through The Valley of Diets

Expert Author Cheryl Jones
Losing weight and going through diet after diet can seem like an unending saga. Like the "valley of the shadow of death" it may seem like the struggle will never end. Can someone ever get through the valley of diets? Is there really a different view on the other side? Yes.

The reality is, when a person gets past the stage of "diet after diet", and begins to focus on lifestyle changes, that is when things begin to change. Diets are temporary quick fixes. They are an attempt to correct in a few days or weeks the consequences that have accrued from past eating and exercise patterns, and lifestyles.
Lifestyles encompass more than simply eating and exercise. They encompass, for example, how food is prepared. Does a person buy fresh, organic food and prepare it himself? Or does he continually eat at fast food restaurants? Does he spend his free time exercising, whether in a gym, or gardening, or walking or running? Or does he spend free time in front of a TV set with chips in hand?
The reason losing weight is challenging is because it is rarely about the weight alone. There are usually other issues that are involved. To really conquer a weight problem takes looking at the whole life, and making significant choices and changes. It takes a willingness to make the effort and discipline required to begin a number of new habits. Not only does someone need to begin to make better food choices, he may also need to create new habits such as taking a sack lunch to work instead of eating out at lunch, or walking instead of watching a rerun TV show.
The good thing is, once a decision has been made to start cutting away old habits and begin new ones, good choices begin to work together. As a person begins to exercise, and lose some weight, he begins to want to experience that healthier feeling more and more. As a person makes better food choices, and feels better, he begins to prefer to eat correctly rather than simply grab the closest junk food.
The experience of people who have changed their lifestyle, and if you talk to anyone who has been choosing a healthier lifestyle for a while, they will probably tell you that the old junk food, sugar, and processed foods are no longer attractive. Once a person begins to feel so much better when he eats and exercises and makes healthier lifestyle choices, it is no longer a struggle or discipline to follow a diet, it becomes a joy.
Cheryl Jones is a copywriter and online entrepreneur.. She authors on a variety of topics, including health. Go to to learn more about a healthy lifestyle.

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