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dimanche 3 août 2014

6 Ways To Start Your Belly Fat Diet Plan

The only way that you can establish exactly what belly fat diet plan will work for you is to look at all areas of your lifestyle, from the food you eat, to the exercise that you do. To get a flat tummy, you need to follow a diet and exercise routine that will not only reduce the fat around your middle but also be something that you can stick with.

1. Cut Your Calorie Intake.

In order to get a flat tummy, you first need to trim down your daily caloric intake. You do this by increasing amounts of raw veggies and fruits into your diet. Fruits are a great way to avoid sugar cravings. Some low-sugar high-taste fruits are raspberries, blackberries, papaya, watermelon, strawberries and peaches. But beware of high sugar fruits in your belly fat diet plan and eat them in moderation. High sugar fruits include grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, bananas, cherries, and tangerines. Try to substitute sugar in whatever way you can. If you drink tea, use honey as a sweetener as it will reduce the sugar cravings.

2. Drink Water.

Drinking water is an important part of your belly fat diet plan. Each day, you should aim to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water So, if you weigh 150 pounds (approx 68 kilos), you should be drinking 75 ounces of water per day, which is approx 2 litres. Water flushes your system of harmful toxins. It carries oxygen to all of your cells and supports your joints, which will not only helps you to get a flat tummy but can keep arthritis away later on in life.

3. Avoid Cigarettes and Alcohol.

Both smoking and drinking alcohol help fat cells lodge in various parts of your body. Smoking and drinking daily is like having a Big Mac for every meal. Alcohol is very high in calories and and is often consumed in large amounts because it's liquid. It can cause you to collect fat specifically in your abdomen. There's a reason that the term "beer belly" exists so if you want to get a flat tummy, cut down on the booze.

4. Eat More Fibre Rich Foods.

In regards to your belly fat diet plan, try to incorporate as much fibre as possible. Fibre helps maintain a healthy cycle throughout your body. These foods include whole grain bread and pastas as well as fruits and vegetables. These foods help you to get the nutrients you need and they also help you to digest food properly. Many people feel bloated because they're not eliminating waste properly. When you eat a lot of fibre, you help to shrink your waistline.

5. You Can Enjoy Exercise!

Your belly fat diet plan should include some exercise. It's important to find an activity you enjoy otherwise you'll find it very challenging to stick with it. Going to the gym is not the only way to get a flat tummy. There are many activities you can do like walking, jogging, cycling and swimming that all offer easy workouts to lose weight and can be done on your own or with a friend. Try several exercise activities and routines so that you can find something that you like and will enjoy doing on a regular basis.

6. Steer Clear Processed Foods.

If you want a flat belly, stay away from processed foods that come in a box, can, bag or carton. These foods are often poor quality with no nutritional value at all. Even the 'fat free' versions of processed foods should be used sparingly if you want to get a flat tummy. Manufacturers remove the fat but often add extra sugar to improve the taste which generally results in additional calories. If you are tempted by a bag of potato chips, choose the baked variety. Baked chips contain up to 30% less fat and calories, and best of all, the majority of people cannot tell the difference.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Get more nutritional information, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and a FREE ebook with over 100 tips for losing belly fat here.

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Flat Belly Solution-Is There Really a Solution to Achieve a Flat Belly?

I know how frustrating it can be to live your life the best you know how and try so hard to reach a goal but results seem so far away. Or maybe you just don't know HOW to reach that goal. Rest assured, I am here to help you do just that. There IS a simple solution for a flat belly and you WILL discover it and get exactly what you are looking for.

There are three things that are crucial when aiming for a flat belly; diet, exercise, & mindset. When these 3 things are balanced and working together to reach your goal, you will reap the benefits.

There are so many different diets out there and it can be so confusing what to eat verses what not to eat. I like to keep it as simple as possible. First of all, I think of it as a lifestyle, not a diet. I believe food is fuel for our body. If the ingredients are pure and grounded from nature, it will benefit your body. If it comes from a box and has been stored on a shelf, those ingredients will get stored in your body and turn to fat. This happens because your body does not recognize ingredients such as artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Sugar is also hidden in so many things and it's so important to read labels. In addition, drinking half your body weight in water daily will help assist you to reach your flat belly.

Exercise is also so important when you want to achieve a flat belly. I'm not referring to countless sit-ups, either. I suggest raising your heart rate for at least 30 minutes 4-5 days per week. When you raise your heart rate, you burn more calories, which will burn fat.

You have to truly make up your mind that you absolutely believe 100% that you can achieve a flat belly. Sometimes limiting thoughts creep up in our mind and we believe it just won't happen. Sometimes we think once we have children our body just won't ever get back to where it was, or sometimes we think if we don't exercise 4 hours a day like celebrities do, it will never happen to us. Whatever self-defeating thoughts you have about achieving your results are, get rid of them. Replace them with thoughts that will get you your results.

When your mindset is in the right place and your daily habits change even a little bit, you will soon begin to achieve the flat belly you are striving for.


Christine Mazza is a Certified Health Professional. Her mission is to assist you in your health and wellness goals in order for you to look and feel your best. She transforms lives bodies one individual at a time and looks forward to working with you.

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What To Consider Before Taking Any Weight Loss Pills

Weight loss pills have been shown to play a major role in helping people to lose weight; however, for you to be safe when taking them, you need to consider a number of things. Some of the things that you need to consider include:


Before you take the pills, you should first assess whether the medications will be of benefit to you. The best way of determining whether the pills will be of benefit to you is by consulting your health care provider who will examine you and tell you whether you are fit to take the pills.

Here the doctor will consider your medical history. He will also be required to take a number of medical examinations.

If the doctor tells you that you don't have to take the pills, you should not take them; however, if he tells you that you need to take them, you should take the right amount that you have been directed to take. This means that if you have been directed to take only one pill, you should take only one.

You need to note that taking more medications won't make you lose weight faster.

Drug interactions

In addition to considering the necessity of the pills, you also need to consider the drug interactions. This is particularly important if you are taking over-the counter prescription medications.

This is because the pills tend to interact with other medications which can be dangerous to your life. Adverse drug interactions often result to a number of conditions such as: dehydration, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, organ damage and excessive bleeding.

To avoid the drug interaction effects, you should talk to your doctor who will advice you on the medications that you should take.

Side effects

Weight loss pills are associated with a number of side effects such as: heart attacks, seizures, hypertension, and stroke; therefore, you should highly consider the side effects associated with the pills. You need to note that not all products labeled "natural" are safe to take.

To be on the safe side you should ensure that you always contact your physician before you take the pills.

Safety and regulation

Unlike other over-the-counter medications, weight loss pills are unregulated by the government and it's usually the responsibility of the manufacturers to ensure that their products are safe.

Before you go for the pills, you should first research and identify some of the pills that have been proven to be fit for human consumption.

Visit our website to learn more about diet Pills and Weight Loss Pills

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The Right Fat For Weight Loss

Did you know that you need to eat good fats in order to lose fat? Healthy fats fill us up and keep us satisfied for a long time so we don't reach for unhealthy snacks in between meals. However... and this is a big caveat: good fats and oils must be in their raw, natural state. What happens if they're not... and how do we ensure that they are?

A natural, raw fat has what is called a cis configuration; cis is from the Latin meaning "on this side." This means that the molecules are on the same side creating a slight electrical charge which gives it a natural bend in its shape. This is important because when it enters your body the natural bend is like the right puzzle piece that fits exactly into the puzzle.

When the oil is modified, it no longer has this healthy cis configuration. It now has a trans configuration, trans means on opposite sides, and the body treats it as a foreign substance. In effect, it becomes a trans fat. Trans fats clog arteries.

How is the structure of oil modified?

Oil is modified through heating, refining and hydrogenation.

So yes, every time you heat oil on high in a frying pan, you are turning it into a trans fat. Oils bought in the grocery store are highly refined. Oils or fats in all packaged or processed foods, baked goods, condiments, and restaurant foods are refined, modified, or hydrogenated. How ironic that margarine, created as a healthy alternative to butter, promotes itself as "heart healthy". Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is best to use the lowest possible temperature when cooking. Try sautéing your onions or vegetables on low heat with water instead of oil. Make more food from scratch to avoid the unhealthy fats in packaged foods. For baking use first pressed cold oils, or "better butter," see recipe below.

The healthiest oils and natural fats

But perhaps the best way to fix your relationship with fat is not to focus on the "Thou shall nots" and instead seek out healthy sources.

The best oils are extra virgin olive oil and oils that are first pressed cold. These are oils that have not been refined or heated above 40 C or 140 F. You can find them in the natural health food store.

Healthy natural fats can be found in raw, organic seeds, such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and raw nuts, such as almonds. When roasted at high temperatures the cis configuration is transformed which is why they are best raw.

With healthy fats in a meal or snack, the stomach stays fuller longer and blood sugar rises more slowly. The more you choose foods and fats in their natural state the healthier you will be.

Better Butter Recipe:

2 cups extra virgin olive oil
2 cups unsalted butter
Blend in a blender, keep refrigerated. This can be used as a spread for toast or wherever you would use butter.

Sue-Anne Hickey is a Certified Naturopath, weight loss specialist and yoga teacher. Her passion is in helping others obtain optimal health and wellness. Sue-Anne came to naturopathy and healthy eating through her experience with yoga in 1990 which completely transformed her life. While training as a naturopath, her studies allowed her to take her own health to a very high level.

Over the years she has helped her clients heal their ailments, lose weight naturally and regain energy, balance and happiness. Sue-Anne has written the Natural Ways to Lose Weight Ebook. Visit her at and subscribe to receive her free How to Increase Energy Ebook.

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samedi 2 août 2014

Easy Weight Loss Tips For Everyone!

1) Change your mentality
Losing weight WILL be painless if you adhere to this, instead of dreading your next work out. DO NOT think of it as a work out, instead look forward to the sweating and the euphoria you get after a good work out. Your body produces hormones that naturally make you feel good about yourself after every work out. It takes time to build this momentum, once you got it, do not give it up!

2) Drink loads of water
Even though water does not contain any amount of calories, it is dubbed the best energy drink known to mankind. Water helps regulate bodily functions and improve overall energy level. Please give up on sugary drinks as the energy boost only makes your body crave for more sugar, which is something that we do not want for sure. Dehydration is also one of the key causes of water retention which actually promotes storage of fluids by the body, contrary to popular belief.

3) Make household chores a "work out:
As you mop the floor or clean the kitchen, crank up the volume of the music player to ramp up the heartbeat! A good 30 minute workout is extremely common if you practice this. This helps incorporate a good cardio workout into your daily household chores routine, which in turn promotes weight loss and overall wellbeing.

4) Eat More, Lose Weight
This may sound rather ridiculous, but eating more actually helps you lose weight! However, you need to eat smart as well for this to work. Have five meals a day instead of the regular 3 "main" meals. Introducing healthy snacks such as nuts, fruits and wholegrain products during tea time and in between meals helps you satisfy your appetite and keep metabolism level high.

5) Do not go for starving diets
There are literally tons of these in circulation right now and this has to be the worst and unsustainable method to achieve weight loss. Starving yourself forces your body to keep and store whatever you eat in after starvation. The body stores this energy because it is afraid of being starved again! The energy is also stored in the form of fats, which causes many ailments, especially visceral fats which can be very lethal.

6) Alternate shower water temperature
You can achieve this by alternating hot and cold water while having a shower. This process stimulates the lymphatic system which in turn regulates your body functions effectively. This practice also helps to increase and improve metabolism even when you are asleep.

If you would like to know more about weight loss, visit for more information. Follow yourdaily_fitspiration on Instagram as well!


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This Is Why You're Having Difficulty Losing Belly Fat

The one topic that invariably comes up with people who are on a diet and or fitness plan is how to lose belly fat. It seems that while the other fat is hard enough to burn off, the last fat to leave us is that which is covering our abdominal muscles. Your six pack abs may be hidden away under a slab of belly fat.

There are some common misconceptions about losing belly fat that are important to recognize. Getting your head around the truth of how to lose belly fat is one of the biggest obstacles for a lot of people who are trying to improve the shape of their body. If you're having trouble losing belly fat, let's take a look at why that could be happening.

Spot Fat Burning.

You may have heard about spot fat burning. This means trying to burn fat in a particular trouble spot: your belly, your thighs, your backside - wherever you have excess fat. But the body is a bit more complex than that.

It's tempting to think that we can lose belly fat quickly by taking a little here and taking a lot there. But it just doesn't work that way. Doing sit ups and crunches will tighten and tone the abdominal muscles and strengthen your pelvic girdle. You may even lose several inches as a result of toning, but there's still that stubborn layer of fat clinging to your belly.

Why? Your body uses fat differently than you might think. To top that off, it stores fat differently than you think, too. And then there's the fact that there are different types of stored body fat, some of which are easier to lose than others.

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There is no way to physically do spot fat burning. Regardless of all of the media hype and myths in the diet and fitness industry, you cannot choose to just start losing belly fat. You have to handle it with an all round fitness plan with a healthy eating plan as well as cutting down on poor lifestyle habits that add to the problem.

Reaching A Fat Point.

Many people have the mistaken belief that they are not losing belly fat because they have reached their 'fat point'. This is the misconception that everybody has a certain fat point where their body stays at a particular level of fat that is normal for that individual. But this is just another myth.

Although there are a variety of different body types that are established by our genes, the amount of fat that we have on our body is not due entirely to the genes that we have been passed down. It is due to the food that we have been eating from the start of our life to the point where we are now and the amount of activity that we do on a frequent basis.

There are no magic pills or specific exercises, no exotic herbs that make your belly fat disappear without affecting the rest of your body. The only way that you can determine exactly how to lose belly fat is to look at all aspects of your lifestyle, from the food you eat, to the exercise that you do.

Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult. For the best nutritional tips, the most proven exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please click here.

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Body Fat: The Myths and The Truth

Body fat: that's why you're reading this article. Whether it's to lose body fat over all or to get a slimmer tummy, you want to look and feel great. Aside from the fact that fat looks bad, your long-term health is directly related to how much excess fat on your body.

But, let's get one thing straight right from the beginning. Body fat in and of itself isn't bad. You do need some fat on your body for several reasons. But too much of it can lead to problems.

Facts and myths about body fat.

Fat is the secondary source of energy for your body. The first is dietary sugars and starches. You need blood sugar to keep all body processes going. Dietary energy sources give out after approximately 10 minutes with heavy work or exercise, and then it switches to taking energy from the tissues around them which is usually the fat stored in the tissues. It takes this stored fat and converts it into sugar, which is then used for energy.

A woman has more curves because of fat and in spite of social and cultural "norms" pushed on us through Hollywood and advertisements, a woman's body comes hardwired to have fat stores in a number of places, especially because of her childbearing potential. While women may struggle with it, they will store fat around their stomach and thighs particularly during their childbearing years as an internal protection when pregnant.

Why you cannot lose body fat completely.

A different reason that you need body fat is that it insulates you from both intense heat and cold. Fat acts like a layer of blankets that protect your inner organs from extreme temperature.

Fat is also the main pad on the bottom of your feet as well as the palms of your hands. Imagine walking on your bones for just a minute and then be thankful for fat. It's also important to note that fat is used to pad organs throughout your body, too. This is a bit like when we stuff paper into a box before sealing it up to keep the contents from shifting around.

The risks of excess body fat.

So, we do need some body fat but the problem is that the majority of us have too much of it. It appears as a spare tire around our midsection or as awkward saddle bags.

Excess belly fat leads to problems with chronic diseases. There has been a direct relationship between the accumulation of belly fat and diabetes. Many people are ignorant to the fact that diabetes is the leading cause of blindness and a major cause of kidney disease.

In addition to this, diabetes increases your chance of having heart disease and suffering from a stroke by almost 400%. Suffering from heart disease is one of the reasons to lose body fat if you've got too much of it. When you're at risk for heart disease, you're also at risk for stroke. Strokes occur when blood vessels in the brain burst. This can cause death of specific areas of the brain that go without oxygen and nutrients.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose body fat and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE ebook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.

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Excellent Advice For Fast Weight Loss

Weight loss is a popular topic these days, and it's something that many people need to do in order to be healthy and happy. Even so, most of us have busy lives and just don't have the time to devote to a weight loss plan. If you want to lose weight, but have little or no time to exercise, there are a few tips to do so quickly and live a healthy lifestyle. It can be challenging to lose weight and many people will fail to achieve their goals because of a motivation failure. Here are some tips for fast fat loss:

1) Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables both have high nutritional value without any of the harmful fats and no extra calories. Your first step in any weight reduction plan should be increasing fruit and vegetable intake. This type of diet is called a "negative calorie" diet and it is very effective at losing weight quickly. Both the fruits and vegetables will help you burn calories and reach your weight loss goals quickly.

2) Make Your Meals Smaller

You should eat more meals throughout the day, but they should be smaller. Avoid eating 3 meals in a day. Instead, eat 5-6 smaller meals over the course of the day. This will keep your metabolism active, which will help burn calories and result in faster weight loss.

3) Fatty Intake

Many people believe that they need to cut out fats from their diet completely in order to lose weight but that isn't true. You just need to stay away from unsaturated and poly-saturated fats, not the good fats that are essential to the body and actually help with weight loss.

4) Include Lean Proteins and Complex Carbs

Your diet should have foods that are rich in lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, to encourage weight loss. These are complex foods and are digested slowly. This keeps your metabolism going for a while, which will help burn extra calories.

5) Drink Water

Water is essential for your body to function properly and for losing weight. Drink no less than 8-10 glasses of water daily for maximum results in your weight loss plan. Boil water then add honey to it every morning; doing so will promote weight loss and is good for overall health.

6) Get Active

Get up and move more; it will burn more calories, which will help you lose weight. Take a walk at least 3-4 days a week to help you achieve your goals in weight reduction and improve your health.

Weigh loss is not as difficult as most people think it is. You can lose weight easily if you follow the these tips. Losing weight will help you get in shape and live a healthier life, so start losing weight today.

Check over at for more weight loss advice.

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Eating Healthy to Lose Weight Fast and Have More Energy

How To Stop Being So Confused, Lose Weight Fast, Have More Energy, and Feel Like a Million Bucks!

I don't know about you but it is exhausting to look and see all the different nutrition, diet, and weight loss books out there. It has gotten to the point where it is just white noise. There is an answer for everything and a contradiction for all those correct answers.

Why is it so difficult for people to eat healthy, lose weight fast, and have more energy?

Two words... Information overload!!! How can you make any sound decisions on a nutrition program when the grass is always greener on the other side. And I'll even go one step further and say, it shouldn't be that hard. It shouldn't be so hard to eat the foods that help you lose weight fast, keep it off, and give you more energy. In all my years of study, the easiest way I have found is to eat foods as Natural as possible (this means organic, grass-fed, free range, and with No preservatives and processed sugars) and to eat for your Metabolic Type.

What is your metabolic type? It falls into three categories:

Protein Type

Mixed Type

Carbo type

Metabolic Typing is based upon eating the foods that your ancestors ate. Your ancestors' bodies adapted to the foods that were around them. Your chemistry and genetic make-up comes from that too. When you eat those foods, your body will respond positively- it will process the food better and leave you feeling both satisfied and energized. When you start to feel satisfied from your meals, you are more likely to eat less (portions) and snack less on nutrient deficient foods (excess calories/fats). In addition, your mood will improve and you'll feel less lethargic.

The assessment is very easy to take and what I call, scientifically intuitive. You get a score at the end of the test but this is to identify which type category you fall into. More importantly, the test will really get you thinking about how you feel after eating certain foods and what work best for you. Broccoli has a lot of amazing health benefits, but that doesn't mean that it is right for you! I can personally attest to the effectiveness of this "common sense" way of eating. I have always "ate healthy" but I never felt my best. Physically, I looked healthy and had minimal body fat but I felt lethargic and ill most of the time. Once I took this evaluation and tweaked it through simple tracking, I began to experience my potential to feel good.

This is a much easier way to eat because it's not a dogmatic diet that is restrictive and won't necessarily deprive you of the foods you enjoy eating. This means that shopping at the grocery store won't be overwhelming and you wont feel guilty about "going off" your diet when you go out to eat. The meal that you choose at the restaurant will fall right in line with your Metabolic Type. You deserve to look and feel your best and I want to help you get there!

Ekemba Sooh, Owner & CEO

Curious about your Metabolic Typing?... Contact SolCore Fitness Personal Training in Santa Fe to take the Metabolic Typing TEST, and get coaching and support along the way to reaching your health and fitness goals!

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vendredi 1 août 2014

How To Acquire A Beautiful Beach Body Following Just 5 Steps!

Expert Author J Russell Hart
It is a fact that one can be much more confident when one looks good; therefore it is necessary to work hard to acquire a beach body others will envy.
Furthermore, anyone is able to acquire a beach body no matter the body shape as long as one is willing to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
The top 5 steps to get a beach body include:
Step 1: Eat Healthy Foods
Get rid of junk foods that contain concentrated levels of fat, sugar or salt as they contain empty calories that the body converts into fat reserves around your body.
Eat several small healthy meals throughout the day instead of three large ones so that the body is able to burn the calories as you go about your busy day and to increase metabolism.
Do not eat and go to sleep right away as the body will not get a chance to burn the extra calories while you are immobile.
Do not skip meals as the body will store the next meal consumed as fat reserves in preparation of starvation.
Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains as they contain high concentration of fiber good for digestive health. Besides they make one feel fuller for longer preventing overeating.
Remember to drink plenty of clean water as the body may confuse thirst with hunger leading to overeating. Furthermore water is good for you as it helps eliminate wastes from the body and hydrates for gorgeous skin.
Step 2: Exercise
There is no shortcut to getting a beach body you must exercise to get rid of flab that may be present in some areas of the body. That said you can have fun as you exercise.
Dance away the extra calories in the comfort of your home.
Use a skipping rope to get your exercises done anywhere.
A hula hoop can help you burn stubborn belly fat and get rid of love handles that create a muffin top when you wear jeans.
Leave your car at home and take the bicycle instead when you go to work.
Take a brisk walk around the block after dinner before retiring to bed.
Make time to jog or use a treadmill machine in the morning before starting your day.
Weight training for toning the body is an essential element of getting a beach body, work on you abs, butt, hips, thighs and legs.
Step 3: Get Good Sleep
Staying up all night could prevent you from obtaining a beach body; besides people get hungry and eat more when they stay awake. Find out how much sleep you need and make sure you get it; beside your body heals and rejuvenates while asleep.
Step 4: Get Rid Of Stress
It is proven that most people eat more when they are stressed; therefore get rid of stress so that you can manage to obtain that beach body others will congratulate you on.
Furthermore, buying a suitable pet will help you eliminate stress when you come home to an affectionate welcome.
A hobby is another way of eliminating stress that can easily be acquired by working in a toxic environment; having positive minded friends is good for you as they will help you look at life through positive eyes.
Step 5: Take Care Of Your Skin
It begins by drinking the recommended amount of water every day to keep your skin hydrated and maintain its elasticity as you get older.
In addition, remember to apply sun block when you go outdoors to prevent premature aging of your skin to look fantastic whatever your age.
What's more remember to moisturize your body before going to bed to help your skin heal after being exposed to the elements all day long.
Russell (Rusty) Hart is the founder of the Health, Fitness & Sport Club, an online network of websites devoted to the promotion of health, fitness and wellness. The sites encompass a wide variety of health and fitness activities including general health matters, pilates, yoga, crossfit, treadmill training, running, kettlebell, swimming, and more. Also covered are Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Positive Thinking, the Law of Attraction and related topics. Those interested can visit the HF & S Club home site at and

Fitness on Vacation

Expert Author Matthew Gianforte
Whether you travel for work or pleasure, do you always bring your healthy habits with you or do you leave your healthy habits at home for when you return? Regardless of why you are traveling, traveling is an easy way to overindulge yourself. Overindulging and a lack of exercise can cause you undo some of the hard work you've put into leading a healthy lifestyle. Sure, cutting loose and having fun are important on vacation, but do you really want to return home feeling worse than you did when you started your trip? Traveling does not mean you have to overindulge and forget about fitness. You can stay fit while traveling. Just a few changes to your traveling routine and you can stay fit while traveling and still enjoy your time away from home.
Tips to Stay Fit While Traveling:
1. Pack Your Laptop and a Fitness DVD or Two. Business travelers are likely to travel with a laptop. Vacationers can benefit by bringing their laptops along with them. Pop in a workout DVD first thing in the morning. Morning exercise will help wake you up and get your blood flowing. You will be energized and ready to enjoy your day or conquer the long day of work meetings you may have ahead of you.
2. Take a Walking Tour of the City You are Visiting. Instead of hopping in a cab or renting a car, try to do as much walking as possible. Avoid public transportation unless it's storming, you are running late or the destination is simply too far away. Instead of visiting the hotel restaurant for a meal, walk to a neighboring establishment. This will give you a chance to better explore the local cuisine as you stay fit while traveling.
3. Be Sure to Check Out the Hotel Gym. If you have 30 minutes in the morning or evening, head to the hotel gym to stay fit while traveling. Depending on what hotel you are staying at, there may be a very fancy gym or just a few machines in a small room. This is especially helpful for gym-goers to stay in a routine. This way it won't be a struggle to return to the gym when you get home.
4. Skip the Elevators and Take the Stairs to Stay Fit While Traveling. This can sometimes present a challenge if you are traveling with a lot of luggage. A room at the top of a hotel will have a great view and give you plenty of exercise while taking the stairs to your room. You will be burning plenty of calories!
5. Explore Local Fitness Activities. Use your time in a new area to explore local fitness activities to stay fit while traveling. This may include surfing, boogie boarding, hiking, swimming, sailing, rafting or climbing. If you are at the beach, be sure to do more than just soak up the sun! If you are from a small town and visiting a large city, take advantage of fitness classes that may not be offered in your hometown.
6. Rent a Bike and Explore the City. Biking is a fun way to explore any city, beat the traffic and stay fit while traveling. Many cities -- especially those that are tourist hot spots -- while have rental stations, where you can rent a bike in one location and drop it off at another location.
7. Be Sure to Get a Good Night's Sleep. Always try to maintain some of your healthy habits while traveling. Be sure to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep nightly while traveling to stay refreshed. This will help you to stay focused if you are traveling for business. A good night's sleep can allow you to make the most of your trip and feel refreshed each morning.
8. Don't Forget to Enjoy Yourself. You are going to regret your trip if you don't have any fun. Pick a day and indulge yourself. Whether you are craving an ice cream sundae or a margarita, it is okay to splurge some while traveling. Just don't over do-it. This can lead to lots of time feeling sick instead of enjoying your destination.
9. Relax and Enjoy Your Trip. Never be in such a hurry to take in as many sites and try as much of the local cuisine as possible. Relax (remember, you may be on vacation) and take time to enjoy the food you are eating and the sites you are seeing. Who knows how long it might be until you are able to return to this particular location.
10. Make Your Trip an Adventure to Stay Fit While Traveling. Never just plan to fit on the beach, eat and drink all week. Take the time to explore the city and stay active. Vacation does not mean you should throw all of your healthy habits out the window. Making your trip an adventure will also give you plenty of stories to tell when you return home.
Regardless of why you are traveling, you still can stay fit while traveling and have the time of your life exploring a new city or destination.
Copyright (c) 2014 LifeWorks Integrative health
Matthew Gianforte, DC serves Kansas City and Johnson County focusing on the underlying cause of disease through a whole systems approach with Functional Medicine, Chiropractic, and weight loss. Stop managing symptoms and start treating the underlying cause of disease, thereby addressing our chronic disease epidemic. Connect on Facebook, and Google+.

Block Carbohydrates Naturally- Is There a Way to Block Carbohydrates Naturally and Effectively?

Expert Author Christine Mazza
What to eat can be quite confusing in this day and age. It shouldn't be this way, but it is. There are so many fad diets and plans that spin you on a roller coaster leaving you back at square one.
If you are anything like me, you enjoy eating carbohydrates. But too much of anything is not good. If you indulge, you simply want to block these carbs naturally. Rest assured, there is a solution for you.
What, when, and how we eat plays a big role on our health. "Peace begins in kitchen and pantries, gardens and backyards, where our food is grown and prepared. The energies of nature and the infinite universe are absorbed through the foods we eat and are transmuted into our thoughts and actions."-Michio Kushi.
Nearly everyone craves sugar. When experiencing such cravings, most people go right for the most accessible sweet treat: candy, chocolate, cake, or cookies. A sugar craving is simply your body's way of saying it needs energy. All carbohydrates contain sugar, but depending on their chemical structures, simple or complex, they are processed differently. Most simple carbs are highly processed, causing a rapid rise in the glucose levels in the body. This will cause a spike in blood sugar and then a crash, making you unbalanced and stressed... sometimes even depressed. Fruit is high in fiber, which helps slow digestion, limiting the amount of sugar in your cells. Carbohydrates that appear in nature, in whole foods like vegetables and whole grains, are complex. This breakdown of sugar is very slow, providing long-lasting energy.
When you are looking to block carbohydrates naturally, there simply are times that we over-indulge. We end up having too many sweets or a meal that was a couple of serving sizes too big. When blocking these carbohydrates naturally, you will benefit from a formula that absorbs a portion of the fat and carbohydrates from your meal. In addition, this will balance your glucose levels and reduce future cravings.
If you are eating to fuel your body, you are doing the right thing. If you are really thinking about where your food came from, what the ingredients are, and how the food is going to help your body, you are only helping yourself in the long run.
Always do something today that your future self will thank you for. But if you are human and have some 'slip ups', rest assured, there is a safe way to block those extra carbohydrates and fat after you have consumed them.
Christine Mazza is a Certified Health Professional. Her mission is to assist you in your health and wellness goals in order for you to look and feel your best. She transforms lives and bodies one individual at a time and looks forward to working with you.

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